Have you done any quantitative tests on it?
ie. FPS consistency (how much cool down to expect?), out of the box FPS.
I've seen youtube videos on it and all but I'd like to hear from you what you think about it. What about the blow back? It appears to be really weak based on the the youtube videos I've seen for it (not only that the bolt doesn't seem to move that far back).
EDIT: Also..... now compared to something like the RS Type56, which would be a better sniper (or countersniper/DMR) platform to build upon? I'm looking for consistency but willing to take the hit in "cooldown effect" if it's not that big (because GBBR's are just so kickass) and you can get decent FPS consistency shooting a whole 30 round mag over say 5 minutes or so.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
Last edited by L473ncy; December 6th, 2010 at 10:55..