Thread: m16 lovers
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Old November 28th, 2010, 17:06   #8
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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Location: LĂ©vis (QC)
Why can't you have one custom built for you?

King Arms makes some really good quality external parts.
I was not impressed with their internals quality though.

Best thing to do is to build a rifle using King Arms body and external parts, with a KingArms mechbox shell and full Prometheus internal. Don't mix and match brands and use only KingArms parts on KingArms receivers... I had a hard time fitting a Madbull front end on a KA body.

It will be pricey, probably in the 1xxx range, but well worth it.

I had a lot of problems with all the CA rifles I had. I don't understand why people keep pushing them as "the best out there". Most China made rifles are now on par or better than CA ones. They are decent, but defenitely not the best out there.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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