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Old November 17th, 2010, 21:38   #13
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: in the dark recesses of some metal chip filled machine shop
Originally Posted by Jackarutu View Post
And on a lighter note; now we know what type of question it takes to get Mad Max to come out of retirement and share his knowledge with us! lol
Usually I sit back on my heels and let experienced mechanics explain a fix. Kind of a habit developed from being halfway through writing a long post and hitting "submit" after someone else has reasonably addressed the post. I have trouble with brevity sometimes.

Occasionally a post pops up that asks a novel question and I rummage around in my brain and sometimes find just the right answer. So I crawl out from under a pile of aluminum chips and hit some keys.

Plugging the nozzle is a valid test of air sealing in your mechbox. You do have to make sure you're in semi mode and don't plug the opening when the piston is withdrawn though. If the piston flies forward and slams against the cylinder with the nozzle plugged, then you've got a fairly severe air leak either at the oring, piston head back (air can go through the centre hole and out the piston), or around the nozzle-cylinder head tube.

I also check air seal by plugging the barrel to see if the nozzle is registering in the hop up properly. Same thing, if the piston slams into the cyl' head then you've got an air leak somewhere down the chain. You can feel for a heavy poof of air out the magwell with a plugged barrel too. A little leakage there is normal, but if the hopup sleeve is damaged or out of place, you can get heavy air leaks out the mag well.
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