Hey guys, my name is Bryan, I'm 24 and live here in the States. I registered here because I find your forum to be one of the best when it comes to gear show and tells. Also it seems there is a lot more going on with this forum than most as well, which is refreshing.
I've been playing the sport now for almost a year now, however I'm on the MilSim side of things, sometimes beyond what you normally see or expect. For that reason I operate with full combat loads for days at a time, and run with a PTW as well for training purposes.
Don't know if Ill ever make it up to Canada for any games, furthest north I've gone was Ft Drum for an OP but who knows what the future holds.
Callsign: Ghost, C 1-9
Team Medic
Deployment Group: MEF
Platoon: ODA 556
-Systema PTW
-14.5" Grenadier upper
-14.5" soon to be MK18 upper
-KWA Sig 226 PTP