Thread: Newbie Question
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Old October 19th, 2010, 16:58   #1
Izonar's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Montreal
Newbie Question

Hi guys.

I want to try airsoft and im certain i will love it but first i have question.

1st: i read the FAQS and other thread. and i couldn't find what is max velocity (fps)for a airsoft gun on a game field ? :banghead: i saw different guns with different fps wich one do i choose ?

2nd: is it easy to adjust the velocity (fps) or do i need to buy a gun with a lesser fps, to be able to play in my region (montreal btw)?

3rd: I want to know what kind of protection do i need to be able to play. is the airsoft glasses are enought or the mask is mendatory?

4th: if i want to purchase a airsoft Steyr AUG who do i have to see? hows going to be my dady ?

Thanks for the answer, if you answer.
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