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Old October 14th, 2010, 18:25   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Vaughan, ON
Few questions? (:

I'm not legal aged yet but this seems like a terrific hobby that I'm taking interest in. I have a few questions though I figured, ask questions now and by legal age I'll be somewhat prepared . #1 What is the legal age to get into and play games with airsoft? I heard they're 16 and I hope they are xD but I've seen some people say 18 #2 Where are the battle field locations and how much do they cost for a day? I live in Vaughan Ontario by the way #3 How much does it cost to get into this hobby? I've also thought that lots of adults play this game and they wouldn't want kids playing on their team so I feel a little intimidated by that ._. but once again this hobby looks awesome
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