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Old October 10th, 2010, 14:49   #8
grantmac's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Victoria, BC
Originally Posted by Serbdude View Post
IDC dude I have read about the FAQ
I politely suggest a reread if you wish to be a part of the Canadian airsoft scene.

Airsplat is a great retailer, they will definitely ship you stuff. You will also have it confiscated by the CBSA and have absolutely no recourse for return of your money.
This policy (note: not law) of the CBSA is what ultimately drives the prices within Canada.
Although recently prices for mid to high-end airsoft has become more inline with US pricing, the in-country cost of low-end airsoft such as you are looking for is still 2-3x that of the US market.

With regards to the basic concept of mounting optics:
Most military optics and clones use a standardized mounting system known as the MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail system. This may or may not also be compatible with a 20mm Weaver rail depending on the specific components used.
Under no circumstances will this work with (generally cheaper) optics advertised to use a dovetail system which is 3/8" or 11mm, neither of which are compatible with each other.

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