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Old October 10th, 2010, 13:39   #7
Serbdude's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
I can tell you 100-200 for a metal gun is hard to find now a days even if your AVed. about airsplat They will ship to canada, but cbsa(Border Officials) will jack your shit up before you can ask for a refund, Being Aved isnt some hot shit mile high club...well it kinda is. When you get Aved you have access to the classifieds and you can meet people who have this kinda stuff in country so theres no B.S about shipping and border laws, and you'll be able to sometimes test out what your going to buy.
What's the point of that law? You can buy the same stuff in Canada as you would when ordering but it is much more expensive here.

Anyways I have no intentions of getting AV'ed as I am physically underage (sigh) as I am only 17. I can probably get my father to buy the guns for me as that is alright (or am I wrong?). I basically want a decent gun that has the important components for the most part metal. I don't want plastic internals as that will 20min tops of constant use.

Anyways why do you have to be 18 and AVed to buy things online for airsoft (@ASC)? Its basically just like paint ball in terms of risk to yourself and others.

I see you are from Toronto like me. That being said is it easy to find places and people who sell airsoft rifles here or do I have to ship it from Alberta? Also are there places near Toronto where I can play airsoft? Me and my friends are interested in making a team or group for it.

EDIT: This sport is even safer than football!
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