G&G M4 Carbine MAX RIS length/type
Hey guys, I already know that I've posted a simular thread to this but there are some slightly diffrent questions. so answer the best to your knowlege and I very much appretiate the help guys.
So i have figured out that G&G uses a real style delta ring. what i need to know is what type of RIS/delta rings do I need there are alot that say its G&G compatible (real style delta ring's) but they have some slight diffrences. so if any of you guys can find a link to one of them from AirsoftGI or a local canadian site.
And how long of a RIS will I need for the G&G M4 Carbine MAX? are all the m4 plastic handguards the same length, If so what is the length?
Thanks guys, do not revive one of the old threads please :banghead: