Originally Posted by GhillieSnipes
Sorry for the kind of off topic question here, but Im 15, (16 in May) , so does it make any difference if im age verified?
Wait. I was the same age when I joined (actually I think I was a bit younger than that). In Canada, the odd time you *might* find a game that will allow 16+ however they are few and far between and may or may not require your parents to be on the field at all times with you (or at least in the spectator area) because, well game hosts aren't baby sitters. As well for the most part you'll have to deal with using rentals that is unless your parent decides to become an active player and then they can buy stuff. DO NOT GET YOUR PARENT TO AV AN ACCOUNT AS A PROXY! YOU WILL BE CAUGHT AND MAY BE BLACK LISTED FROM EVER BEING AV'ED AGAIN. AV IS A PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT THE STAFF HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE AND REVOKE AV EVEN FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE 18+ (as happened with some mom last spring).