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Old October 3rd, 2010, 22:50   #14
shiftsup's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
99.9% sure the clear Thompson has plastic gears like the one found at the bottom of this list.

The Cyma has a metal gearbox with metal gears.

99.9% Cybergun is a rebranding company that owns certain trademarks for airsoft use I don't believe they really do make anything.

Here is what I did to get my Cyma M1A1 Thompson Authentic.
1. Wood Kit (you will need access to a dremel:

2. Kerr Sling:

3 Some knowledge easily found by using Google: and YouTube - How to Disassemble the AirSoft Thompson

4. Some mags ( I use the KA 110 rounders):

Here's what I am doing for an "authentic" military style M1928 (work in progress):

1. Wood kit plus:

2. Dremel out the top of the receiver and move the cocking handle up there it's stricly a "decoration".

3. Fill in the side of the receiver where to cocking handle was with a thin piece of metal (I used old press plates from a letter press and painted it). Not 100% happy with the outcome of this as yet.

4. "glue and shape a very similar looking thimble (buy a few) to the cocking handle to look like this:
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; October 3rd, 2010 at 23:54.. Reason: hate my laptop
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