Thread: GBBR vs AEG
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 12:51   #31
formerly Sepulcrum
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Every GBBR owner should have an AEG. It's just stupid to think that A GBBR will never fail. I for one, always bring 2 AEGs to every game just incase my main one fails (happened once on me) AEGS are also ALLOT cheaper and easier to start with, $300 for a gun, $150 for a good battery and charger, $100 for a set of 5-10 mags. Your ready to go for under $600

Though GBBRs are way more badass and I will too be getting one after i finally have enough money to first finish my project AEG and then buy a WE SCAR.

Last edited by AngelusNex; October 2nd, 2010 at 12:53..
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