Thread: GBBR vs AEG
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Old September 30th, 2010, 17:59   #13
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Location: Grande Prairie Alberta
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Let me add.

To get a operational loadout for a GBBR.. the WE SCAR for example

Guns costs- 500
10 reliable mags - so you will need 12 as 2 will be down at any one time - $540
NPAS - 60
steel upgrades- $100
= $1200

I have over $2000 in my WE m4 ( granted I have 3 upper receivers for it)
but I love the gun and can't see going back to an AEG for anything other than cold weather play
Why do you need 12 mags??? I play with the canadian vest which holds 4 m4 mags plus one in the gun. On larger games I usually have to reload oh lets say every 2-3 deaths. I do run Co2 so I Just carry poweletts in one of my pouch and a speed loader of 300 rounds. I normaly have to go back to staging area after about 2-3 hours.....

maybe I am a better shot than you :P

All the info you will ever need.

just a word of advice though bring a reliable AEG with you for the first few games as you find things that need to be replaced/fixed/tweaked. Oh and carry a bottle of locktite with your kit. Your gonna need it.
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