Originally Posted by Hurley895
...Instead I got a lot of guys (not all) picking on a new guy posting in the new person section.
We're not picking on you, we are trying to be frank and let you know that you are not special, your ideas are not unique and you are more likely to hurt the sport through any misguided attempts to "fix" things than actually help because you are new to the community.
Seriously, would you sign up @ canadiangunnutz and for your first post open with "hey I think it's stupid that we can't own .50 cal machine guns, has anyone started a petition? I want to save you and fix everything".
The airsoft community in Canada is honestly tired of a) Well meaning but ignorant new players who won't listen to common sense and dont' have any familiarity with the history of airsofting in Canada and b) Ripoff artists who swoop down, offer deals that are too good to be true and try to make off with people's money. We get both types here, and sorry if we are not hugging you, giving you hi fives and telling you that you are a super genius and can we elect you King of airsofting in Canada.....
Just take some time to get involved in the sport, get a season or two of games under your belt and read read read everything you can find here.