Before I get to the fun stuff I would like to say this:
I am new to Airsoft but for me is a way of understanding in a small way what soldiers do and have done for us. I know that airsoft is very different then real combat but it does make me think about the guys serving over sea's, after all how many airsoft games did you not get shot in?
Now the fun stuff:
Are you a mil-sim guy or something else?
Me right now I'm kinda in the "video game replacement" zone. I'm kinda bigger 6'1 and 270, so this is a great way to lose some pounds in a more interesting way then running on a tread mill watching the news

. I'm coming into this sport from the S.C.A. which was my old out door fun. I've played every weekend after I got my kraken (~6 weeks now).I'm slowly work my way into the mil-sim stuff as I lean more about the sport.
Well that's me, what makes airsoft for you?
(p.s I don't own a xbox or anything I just find real life more fun)