Originally Posted by winterrises
i will probably put it with all the stuff from my house that will be shipped from singapore to canada and label it airsoft thks for the help. And one more thing, i have a friend in calgary and he introduced me to airsoft and he says that he might sell me his WE scar-l GBB, is GBBs a good starter weapon
That weapon is very good. But for beginners? Not so much. "Newbie" players tend to start out with Springers/AEGs w/pistols. It's not that GGBs arent for newbies, its just that ive found its usually more experienced airsofters that use those types of guns, as there is more care that needs to be taken into account, and that there are parts that can break easier since there are more parts internally. The SCAR-1 GBB is an excellent rifle to have down the road, so I would get it if i could. Id start off with say a M15A4 to get used to an assault rifle of that variant (meaning the SCAR 1). Learn how to maintain/repair/upgrade before you really try anything.
And as a reminder, this is my opinion. I find that experienced veterans use GBBs (if at all) more often/better than newbies