Thread: WA's on propane
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 11:57   #26
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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HFC134a has a higher expansivity than propane, but you should still be able to get about two mags of bbs out of a WA M9 mag if you don't shoot too rapidly (say a shot per 2s) on propane.

A torn mag rubber will not spew huge clouds of vapor, but it will still adversely affect efficiency. When your gun is in recoil mode, the valve is held half open by the valve lock on your mag. This keeps the valve open, but I think it reduces the flow rate while the gun is recoiling. You get a wide open valve while the firing pin opens it up during firing mode, but the valve closes to half mast when the slide begins to recoil and lifts the hammer off the firing pin.

A torn valve rubber allows some gas to leak between the mag and the nozzle body so it consumes more gas during the recoil phase.

Another thing you could check is the piston oring on the nozzle body. If it's very dry it can stick in the cylinder and make the recoil more sluggish which keeps the mag valve open longer. If it's nicked or otherwise damaged, it could allow gas to leak out of the blowback assembly and reduce efficiency.
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