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Old September 1st, 2010, 10:22   #14
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Originally Posted by Ivanov View Post
Well this will definately take a lot of commitment on my part if I follow through. I've set up the information sestion and demonstration game for the parrents next week. Beyound that there still seems to be much I need to consider. My biggest concern is the posibility of legal action against me if one of these kids does somthing stupid or gets injured and I end up on the wrong end of a law suite. Even with a parrental waver they can still take legal action against me and the club.
Parental waiver can be forged and don't mean shit it's teh parents you have to make as partners, most kids would rather spend a few days in jail than the wrath of their parents so why not take advantage of it. once the parents are made aware of the consequences of their kids action when it comes to doing stupid shit with airsoft then it will make your job of enforcing the rules a bit easier
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