Thread: WA's on propane
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Old August 31st, 2010, 11:41   #11
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I have a WA 1911 (old Magna) with a now broken slide because of propane. I wouldn't recommend using it.

I also have a rarer WA Beretta 92FS INOX Perfect Version with white grips. It's got the heavyweight plastic slide, and I'm terrified to use the gun for fear of exploding the slide with propane. It's such a beautiful gun and fires so nice, but I won't shoot it because of that. I've fired it on propane a couple of times to test, and it's amazing. HFC134A performance sucks balls and makes it very disappointing to shoot. So I choose not to use it and keep it as a collector's piece.

You guys with the 1911 / 2011 variants are lucky to have access to affordable replacement metal slides. If you break your slide on propane, for not a lot, you can easily get a replacement. If I break my Beretta slide, I'm SOL.
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