Troy, I stumbled over your CTV interview a couple of months ago, but haven't had a chance to contact you about setting up a game and playing together. I have a team of about 5 dedicated airsofters (or about 12 sporadic airsofters) in and around Prince Albert / Meath Park area and we would definitely be interested in playing with you.
I would like to set up a game with you sometime. Just for general play. the five or six of us really want to airsoft like every weekend, but we can't get enough to have a good game. Send me a private message and I will give you my cell phone number for when you are setting up your next game, and I will get my group to come out, barring some unforseen circumstances.
Also, I want to know what your safety regulations include (paintball masks or safety goggles, etc.) Just specifics so that we aren't surprised with anything when we come out.
let me know..., and have a great day