ya i just want to get AVed so when i do have money i can hop on the forums and get a rifle and some gear, the home hardware in the greenwood mall is selling an ICS M16 rifle i think thats what it is and colt 1911 airsoft pistol Vince from NSA told me about it and its true cause i poped in and looked and they have nice quality BB's and he said the manager can order in guns from the Halifax Army Navy store and there very tempting to buy cause i got 460 dollers here in cash beside me and im getting a pay check tomorrow which 1/2 of it is going for the car which i am still looking for $50 for my cell and 1/4 for mom
and i belive theres a field in Bridgewater nova scotia and im only an hour - hour and 45 min drive from there thats not even half a tank of gas
also i see canadian tire is selling a DPMS panther arms spring rifle for 50 dollers lmao looks good but also might be shit and i dont mind springers my self
i loved my stinger p312 pistol she shot straighter than hell and would make a dent in a pop can bigger than my fist almost
and i would be going to halifax tomorrow with the family to help my sister move in to another apartment but i cant due to work
Last edited by sgtshilliday; August 26th, 2010 at 15:49..