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Old August 24th, 2010, 16:37   #32
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Originally Posted by Echo-Four View Post
Let's get real here. It is not hard to get good eye protection. 25$ Cdn for these:

Ballistic grade, and fit over my glasses perfectly. Why would you ever risk becoming blind, when you can get good protection for low cost.
Their web site says that they are ISO9001 certified, nothing about MIL or ANSI certified, so "ballistic grade" really doesn't apply.

Remember that during the first gulf war, we wore whatever we could get our hands on. There wasn't any worry about complying with standards. We just wanted to keep the dust out of our eyes, so a lot of goggles that say or seem to be "issue" could be the same case.
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