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Old August 19th, 2010, 14:25   #24
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Well all i can say is after my first year of sniping is Patience alot of it but if your a paitient guy like me all is good. As far as the clinics go if your green to sniping ya by all means take it. But for me and all the feilds i attend they arent manditory so i dont see a reason to take it. Besides and this is my personal opinion the certifications obtained by these clinics dont hold credit for me anyways the way i see it is why should one guy get shoot hotter just because he has a paper from someone i have never met or played with? This is not a personal attack on anybody!Ya these clinics teach you about minimun engagement distances and alot of other valuble information but to be honest whats stopping a guy/girl with certs from breakin the rules. I for one dont wanna take the chance. Again this isnt a attack or me saying not to take it this is just one mans opinion.
Primarily its to teach and understand safety. You are correct, it doesnt mean that it will stop someone from shooting unsafely and in no way does it classify someone as an expert. However it adds that extra element of knowledge and experience to weed out the COD headshot snipers from those who are genuinely interested. We try to force them into an environment in which they see and understand how to think and move like a sniper, as well as the differences between a Sniper and a Marksman.

When I first took the course 2-3 years ago for my level 2, I had no intention in becomming a sniper. I did not even own a BA. I took the course (With an armalite) to understand the behaviour and thought process of snipers so that I could learn to effectively counter them better. Over the years, I developed more of a desire to play the role and it eventually ended up with me picking up an M24.

The final thing is that it also adds accountability to the sniper. Snipers who break the rules and play unsafely are stripped of their "status" (often publically if the incident is significant enough) and all the major hosts are notified of such infractions. Most of the Ontario field hosts allow for the Higher FPS limits allowed through the certification program due to the success we have had in conditioning and teaching new BA Users.

Through this success, we have started opening up clinics in many other provinces, including quebec, saskatchewan, bc etc.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; August 19th, 2010 at 14:28..
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