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Old August 14th, 2010, 12:44   #1
Boomshakah's Avatar
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Location: Trois Rivières, Québec
Odd problem on KJW Colt 1911 MEU

Hi, my friend has a KJW Colt 1911 MEU and he have troubble with it, when shooting, it shoots fine, but harder than the Glock 27, and everyshot theres some propane smoke.

from what I think its not the mags since both does the same thing, the gun is shooting too much gaz since he can't get through a full mag, what could make this screws up like this?
Originally Posted by Dart View Post
*You want that real glock? sure fill out this form and wait a while... what? you want that BB gun? ummm... sorry... no, but seriously this real one... what? well yah you could play airsoft with it but don't expect to have any replayability out of the other team.*
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