Originally Posted by michael43
OK i have a query, yes i know you have to have "see through" or smoked guns in canada and thats fucking bullshit anyways it seems like every person on this site has guns from the US. And I know you need a 'Bussiness Firearms License' to import "ILLEGAL" airsoft guns which by the way is horseshit i REALLY need a serious answer because i want to get some shit off of eHobby Asia and Evike (GUNS), and obviously there are alternatate methods can someone please give a straight answer, I want to get a M200 Cheytac, M82, M249, etc. etc. I'm not a noob so don't give me stupid shit. Please reply.
If you order airsoft guns from outside of Canada, you will have them seized, if don't believe me, or want a crystal clear answer: Go ahead and place your order, have them seized, and enjoy your letter from the CBSA.
If you want to become more informed, as discussion on purchasing non-approved airsoft guns in Canada, you will need to become age verified and gain access to our forums. This is FREE to do, and only requires your time.
If you are unable to become age verified, you will be in the dark until you make some friends who are age verified, and will disclose the information to you.
If you want to read through the hundreds of people who have had their guns seized, or asked the exact same questions as you have, read the FAQs on this forum, or surf the Newbie-Tank.

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