Originally Posted by PatBert
How long to be processed in the age verification protocol ? I've been standby for a week now, and i really want to buy a gun ! Tempting to try over the border, when it's so hard to even look a the classified here !
Dude, be patient. You have already met with a verifier so just wait until your info goes through. When verifiers get the info from you it goes into a database for admins to put through the system. This is done in batches and can take up to a week or two. Contact the verifier you met with to make sure your info was entered properly and be patient.
If you don't know how to be patient and are one of those people who wannitnownownow!!!!!!!!!!!!! then go ahead and throw your money by ordering over the border. You know it won't make it to you so what you do with your money is your business.