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Old July 10th, 2010, 00:31   #10
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
Well, put it this way.....

Quality always makes a difference. It doesn't matter if you're talking TV's, golf clubs, motorcycles, or airsoft guns.

You'll never get the same performance out of a cheap knockoff as you will out of a gun that was built for performance right from the factory. It's like deciding you want to get into road racing, and asking if you should spend top dollar to buy a Subaru WRX STi (a car designed for road racing), or if you could get by with a Renault Le Car (a car that should never have been built in the first place).
thanks man, your right im just really new to the airsoft scene (coming from 5 years of paintball) and I like to really learn about something before i start so i like to ask a lot of questions :P
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