IMHO Justin need to make two class of his guns, an economic version and a standard. (economic being die-cast where its possible without losing structural problems. Example is the 'mechstage' of the system: trigger assembly, disconnector, selector, and barrel extension can be die-cast steel instead of CNC steel, while the bolt carrier must remain CNC to remain strong. I really hope that he could mass produce Daytonagun and expand into like Canada where the market would hit the strongest as our airsoft is just beginning and the weather kills many competition.
GHK guns...suck, no offense but a guy in Classic Airsoft forum replaced every single part to make it work reliably. (Custom parts by Justin and RA-Tech Bolt Carrier) The system is made of complete die-cast potmetal (err, even the metal from pot are better quality) If you upgrade one part the stress is transfer to another and it will break it. If I recall correct this is the order:
Nozzle > Bolt Carrier> Hammer>Trigger/Auto Sear/ Disconnecter
VFC from what it seems isn't holding to what it promises, the design changed a bit but the bolt carrier breaks in 200-500 rounds, to enhance the problem, it's unique, which means you have to mod a WA/ Inokatsu type BCG to fit it in.
WE system is inherently better than WA simply its a modified escort system. Escort aside from using poor material, the design is king. If you use good control and material it will last unlike WA which will wear out still