I own them all - an "ok" replica, a Hurricane, a Bushnell Holosight (EOtech 502), and EOTech 552.
Cheap ones can do the trick just fine for the most part, but build quality is pretty light duty. On mine, and many others I've seen, the reticle isn't bright enough to use it outdoors on a sunny day.
Hurricanes are nice. A nice, heavy duty build overall, and works well. The down side to me is the really fat reticle that doesn't really look like the real EOTech one, but is easily visible in any lighting condition. My Hurricane, and several others I've heard reports of (I have a review thread comparing them here on ASC) have visible ghosting - worse than the cheap ones.
You can't beat real steel quality in the end. However, you pay for it. I've been a several real EOTechs for sale here in the last couple of years, and I haven't seen a single one under $350, and most are closer to $500. I got lucky and scored mine for $350 shipped.
If you have the money, then real is the way to go, although I would easily say that it's overkill, and if you can get a used Hurricane, that would be the best choice for airsoft.