Originally Posted by east2west
Just to let you know, I'm in medical school, (received my bachelors degree) First year for medical school now. Yes so what, I'm trying to save every penny I have for this medical school, which is indeed quite expensive. I have made time for some fun, and I do have quite an interest in airsoft, although I haven't had an airsoft gun in like about 8 years now, since because of college, and all that. Look I'm not here to start a fight, or tick someone off or anything. I just want links to good airsoft websites that are located within Canada, so that shipping and handling payments are at minimum, and so chances are low in confiscation, although I am low on budget, I will try to do the possibles.
lol FYI edited out, didn't want to sound too snooty eh?
$150 is unrealistic, that's been established, apart from the sites you mentioned the other Canadian sites have similar prices so you are SOL as far as pricing.
as it's been said, get AV'd and buy a used gun in the classifieds, this would be your best option