Originally Posted by east2west
Okay... First of all learn how to use " ", and stop trying to act intelligent with assuming or "saying" that I follow in the proper behavior or attitude as a 10 year old child, because it's only making things worse, okay bud? I don't want these bs replies. You're not helpful, besides I'm a newbie.
Ok smarty pants, you like to correct people's grammar?
You will act like an adult if you want to be treated like one,
you act like a child and you will be treated as one.
I don't give a fuck if you are a newbie, there's rules for noobs too, asking where to get guns outside of the AV is one that you've broken already.
But do keep going though, you're off to a great start
and 25 years old and can't afford to spend more than $150 on a hobby is pretty pathetic