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Old June 5th, 2010, 23:23   #11
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Richmond, BC
Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
Between a glock 17 and glock 19 what is the difference? Which one of those would be recommended more and why?
17 = full size Glock. 19 = sort of compact. Tokyo Marui doesn't make a Glock 19 (they do make a 26, though). AFAIK, KJW makes a 23 and a 32C (same size as the 19, just the model number is for RS Glocks chambered in a different round). I'd advise you to stick with TM as versus KJW - TM mags are by far superior, and replacement/upgrade parts are made to fit TM specs.

Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
What are their total ranges? What are their accuracy ranges? Thanks.
Range depends on muzzle velocity and weight of BB used (higher FPS can be achieved with heavier - usually metal - slides) In terms of accuracy (including the TM Glock 17): TM Glock 17 > KWA USP > KJW M9. TM's have the best accuracy, hands down. Because the mags of a Glock or USP are so large, you basically won't have any cool down effects with your first full magazine of BB's (cool down in this sense means less FPS, which translates to less range and less consistent accuracy). Hope that helped?
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