taken from thier site from FAQ
How old do you have to be to buy/own an airsoft gun?
If you are under the age of 18, you require permission from a parent or guardian to purchase products online. If you do not have permission to buy products online on your own, a parent/guardian will need to purchase products for you.
While minors are permitted to buy and own airsoft guns, the use of an airsoft gun by a minor must be supervised. Goggles or safety glasses must be worn at all times during play. Particular caution must be used when playing with all-black guns. Please keep all orange barrel markers intact to ensure the public knows you are using a toy.
Just thought id throw them a line from all the haters here.
The only reason your conscious right now is because I dont want to carry you.
G&P Armalite M4
Custom AK74
Toyko Marui MP5
Glock 23