Thanks outlaw, i guess i will try some of my other friends guns out, not all of us are nooby crappytire cansofters, we were brought into the sport by friends who are what i would call "hard-core-next-thing-to-real-even-though-they-dont-have-systema-ptws" kind of guys lol. so yeah i could try out their guns, im sure one of them has a CA m4 and one has a vfc m4 plus the rest have , g36's and stuff, today i asked a friend to try out his aug when we were in his basement shooting range (a hallway of storage with a target at one end) but still, i dont seem that mobile it's just really awkward, and i really like this m4 idea, and as you said previously outlaw, the gun style i choose is really my choice, and the m4 suits me.
Thanks again for all your help everyone. also a little off-topic, but it does retain to choosing a gun, and i heard someone on a review i saw say something about how CA's guns aren't always the hardiest, would you guys say this is true?
Last edited by YourUserNameHere; May 31st, 2010 at 19:48..
Reason: weird typo that made a sentence make no sense