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Old May 31st, 2010, 17:31   #10
Join Date: May 2010
Location: ontario
[QUOTE=L473ncy;1246119]My suggestion is to fill in your info and get on the track of Age Verification.


Thanks for your input, I was looking in to that, and would only actually be buying once i get AV'ed. I have got a lot of input and I think I've got all the information I need, I know i could eventually probably handle a bull-pup, as
L473ncy said, the brits use the L85 and the french the FAMAS so yeah, they can definetly be handled. However, I think I would really like to see how my mechanical skills are, and be able to upgrade with aftermarket parts, and i was really getting interested CA m15 series, although they seem like an m4, because they dont have burst fire. Also, i'm sure after being AVed a used VFC m15 would easily fit my budget, and then i could get a new battery and charger, and a mock ACOG or maybe an EOTech. So i guess mods if you could maybe not close this yet, im quite sure i've made my decision as to whati nterests me, but maybe just give the thread 1 more day to see if theres any more suggestions (i think we have covered most popular gun families though, all i can think of is the SCAR's but they seem a little awkward to me to.)

So, thanks for all your input, and please dont ask why SCARs are awkward to me, 'cause IDK myself
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