Originally Posted by FOX_111
I don't see anything wrong with wearing a kit that impersonate in detail a division of the military. As long as the persone does not pretend being in it for real and respect the image he is trying to impersonate by acting accordingly.
I understand the guys in the force that have to earn their badge and berret. To get it mean that you are expected to be that good. On the airsoft feild, there is no expectations, except to show on time, call your hit and shut the fuck up when you are dead.
Personnaly, I'm tired of the drama. When it's outside the field, that's another story.
See...I remember making that argument about 3 or 4 years back when I was slagged and targeted on MP.net for wearing British kit with badges and insignia...
Now I'm on the other side of the fence and I see what everyone was talking about, even a cornflake was alot of work to get, and I've gone years past it now...really, you won't understand just how important these small trinkets are unless you've either served or are currently serving.