Funny how the 6CBG witch hunt started once a teammate was called out for not calling hits at Mason Relic.
One they don't wear the Canadian jump wings. They do not wear the Canadian Airborne Regiment Cap Badge. They have different tabs on their epaulets.
But since 6CBG was not the only ones wearing Maroon Berets as ESS and Green Devil from Lethbridge and his troops, why single them out? The 6CBG group has been wearing if for almost 5 years and now you, also from Manitoba, wish to make a big deal about it? This is airsoft. Lets act like airsofters and leave this type of BS off the boards. Not really improving the sport.
Why not get rid of Multicam because that is what the US Army will be wearing. Get rid of CADPAT. I think your basically grinding an axe because you were caught cheating.
I don't hear of people complaining about a CSOR team or a JTF team so I think this is just a waist of time over a piece of head dress.
Age Verifier Sherwood Park, Alberta area
Last edited by iceman3994; May 25th, 2010 at 21:20..