Originally Posted by Dart
I would have to agree with the rest here. And even if you did go ahead and find all the parts gas guns are very very picky, its like trying to build a ferrari from parts. It will never be the same as the real thing, and probably end up costing you more in the end.
Best thing to do would be finding a gun on the classifides that has say a broken slide or what not for super cheap and use your parts to make it good again.
I beg to differ... building guns from parts is totally fun, and if you pick the right parts (ahem, ILLusion's stuff) you can get a much, much better gun out of parts than you ever could out of OEM parts.
Buying a broken one likely means you're buying a heavily used/abused one. Unless you know your stuff about pistols or have tinkered with the Marui M9 design before... that probably isn't such a great idea. Just saying.