I recommend LiPo power. mini batteries do not cut the cake for what you area asking from your gun.
Venom, Reedy, and china brand packs are excellent at the 20-30 C, 7.4-11.1 range and will fit your gun. You don't need to buy a high end hyperion/flightpower pack, something mediocre to entry level for the RC world will do.
IF you are going 11.1v lipo I HIGHLY recommend a MOSFET or Trigger Master from DonP or Gandolf from ASM for your gun. The P90 has piles of space for you to fit either of these options and with the external switch it's not a big pain in the ass to install.
Originally Posted by THe_Silencer
That's strange b/c I've read in other forums ppl easily getting 20+ rps on weaker motors and min batteries.
As to this there are LOTS of factors. There is the internet Bullshit factor. And how did you measure your ROF? What power supply did they use? The only accurate way to measure ROF is with the sound wave form method.
I used a madbull chrono to measure ROF on my old setup:
magnum motor
M120 Spring
9.6v 2200 mah crane battery
standard ratio gears
The chrono always gave me a reading of 9-11 ROF.
The paintball Chrono at a field we play on gives me 18 ROF.
The sound form method gave me a ROF of 24.
At the end of the day I learned to no longer use the BPS feature on the handheld chrono's.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory