Originally Posted by juicy
Steel - internals with magnetic properties? I'm pretty sure that means that they have some degree of steel in there... Just those internals though, everything else appears to be pot metal (well the slide is likely not - it's too light).
Hmm... if it's magnetic, then yes, there's definitely ferric content in it. Surprised it uses it, but at the same time, I guess that explains why they say it's CO2-ready.
Originally Posted by juicy
Yes, that's right. The first thing about the sear disconnector. So... since it's KJW and the parts aren't really all that TM compatible, should I just buy a new hammer and disconnector kit? Or would the disconnector kit alone get the job done?
TM disconnector kits will not work on a KJW. On quick and easy way to solve that is by filing a ramp behind the sear, so that enough room is given to allow the disconnector arm to slip behind.