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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:16   #346
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Location: Richmond, BC
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
That's not what I said. I said that if the first (several) shot(s) is WEAK, then it means the hammer spring isn't strong enough.

If your first shot is stronger than others, then it's operating completely fine.
Ahhhhh, THAT makes sense, lol. Yeah, that's what I thought was normal. You nearly turned my world upside-down, ILLusion.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Double negative?

Yes, attribute it to differing brands.
Affirmative to the double negative. lolwut.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Steel? Doubt it. The weight your feeling is lead filler in the aluminum casting mixture. Wash your hands after using. LOL.

Seriously though... I'm not sure specifically what KJW puts in their castings, but generally, when zinc/aluminum is cast, LEAD is the element used to add weight.
Steel - internals with magnetic properties? I'm pretty sure that means that they have some degree of steel in there... Just those internals though, everything else appears to be pot metal (well the slide is likely not - it's too light).

I suck at determining mass by comparing things without a scale... lol, so I did the best I could to determine why my sear hadn't worn down at all when I first took my KJW apart.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
This actually sounds like the sear disconnector isn't properly slipping behind the sear. That is, the hammer is cocked back, but you required 2 or more pulls before it releases. If your hammer is down after the slide closes, well... that's another issue altogether, and this would usually be followed by uncontrolled full auto fire until the sear catches the hammer again. This would be represented by the hammer being cocked back (unless you ran out of gas)
Beyond that, I can't comment much.. I've fixed several KJW's and hated every one of them. They're so chock full of problems.... sorry, got derailed there. Anyways, you know how much I dislike clones.
Yes, that's right. The first thing about the sear disconnector. So... since it's KJW and the parts aren't really all that TM compatible, should I just buy a new hammer and disconnector kit? Or would the disconnector kit alone get the job done?

Hey, be nice to my KJW, Brian. This one is actually pretty decent (the rest... not as great - sort of like how the M9 I got was basically falling apart before I started dropping some of the new KJW M9 parts in there). There's a reason why I kept this over the TM 5.1 I had. It took some work to get it running pretty good (damn "reinforced" loading nozzle/piston design was retarded, etc), but hey - it had many decent internals to start off with, IMO. Yeah... I know that won't change the way you feel about clones. Well, if it's any consolation, my Army MEU's barrel bushing disappeared on me. If I had just gotten a TM in the first place, the barrel bushing would have fit so tight in there that it wouldn't have been lost. There, a case of TM vs clone and TM definitely winning. You happy? lol
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