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Old May 16th, 2010, 18:06   #27
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Location: Richmond, BC
Originally Posted by Conker View Post
For the mags, I personally had problems, but now... everything is magically solved. I did two things:

1. Buy el-cheapo refillable lighters (mine were buthane jet lighters for 1$ each)
2. Hit them with whatever you want (hammers work well lol )
3. Use the o-ring to replace the one on the Army fill valve
4. Put in your silicone oil bottle for a day to make sure the valve & oring is soaked with oil

And also, the only place mine was leaking is on the front, under the spring. I filled that area with hot glue, and voilĂ*! It's been working for a month without leaks, we'll see how it holds up (on 2 Army mags, surprisingly my Tercel mag didn't have a single problem since last august)
LOL. Fair enough. Update on the mag issue... got a fourth TM MEU mag, as well as tried out optix's two MEU mags... no problems with any of the other ones, just that one seems to not be quite to spec. It seems like the feed lips are slightly wider than the others, though I couldn't care less, as I'm not letting my MEU mags free-fall to the floor.

Originally Posted by Coresair View Post
Sorry for bringing back this thread, but I just got my own R27 in the mail yesterday and it's great! It's my first airsoft gun.

I had a question about barrel wobble, how much is there supposed to be in there really, I just want to know if the wobble I have in mine is normal.
No worries for bringing back the thread, I was just about to post again myself. As to wobble, it doesn't frigging matter, lol. It's just a pet peeve of mine. The design in Marui-type GBB's basically means that the hop up unit (and thus the rubber/inner barrel) are fixed in place on a metal bit inside the frame. Therefore, if your outer barrel wobbles all over the place, it has a very minimal effect on accuracy (though increased wear may occur?).

On the note of barrel wobble... my barrel bushing decided to take a hike yesterday while playing. Turns out that the TM one (thanks optix, I used yours will taking apart your MEU, lol) doesn't fit in the Army slide. I'm sure that with some modification, something could be worked out, but it's just a pain in the ass that the stock Army barrel bushing is just so damn loose. I will try to fit a TM or Guarder or whatever-else-I-can-find barrel bushing properly into the Army slide, ASAP... though I'm sort-of considering just slapping in a bull barrel and ignoring the fact that the spring guide plug isn't designed to be used with one (in terms of the RS).

Final note for this update: KA air seal rubber thing plus KM tight bore = love for Matrix .25's. Dead accurate, at least as accurate as my ability dictates that I can make use of.
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