Thread: pistol stands?
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Old May 5th, 2010, 17:32   #6
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Tdot scarberia
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from what I see everything anyone has as for as displaying airsoftor even real steel is REALLY lackluster. I tried to find something similar to what I'm going for but no luck. just plain black stuff..

For an aeg I was thinking a mirror base that spans the entire length of the rifle (custom length of course) almost like a ship model base if anyones seen those.

I just thought of this idea last night so I'm still really contemplating the market. I'm probably gonna make a prototype and see how people like it around here. Everything is custom ordered meaning size of base, colour of light, engravings etc. I have connections to a laser cutting place at school but thats about as far as professional production goes...I'm 19 after all...

Someone warn me if Im biting of more than i can chew as far as practicality goes...
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