Originally Posted by ILLusion
Or you could wait till the VFC M4 GBB-R's hit the market (which should be any day now.) In country, they'd cost about $750-$850, is partially WA compatible (mags are proprietary), and if the construction is ANYTHING like VFC's past offerings, it may be the best production M4 GBBR on the market.
Of course, it is still too early to say, but I'd definitely wait on that.
YouTube- RA-TECH VFC M4 GBB review
I'd personally still stick with the WE GBBR. My WE M16a3 GBBR cost me $450 (Tax incl) and hasn't failed me yet (did have to file my hop-up rubber after purchase).
I doubt that paying twice the sum is good for anything -- except lining retailers' pockets with gold.