Originally Posted by m102404
Not really...
but you can remove the bump from the inside.
carefully turn the bump inside out and put it over a rod that's an even tight fit (AEG rubbers will easily go over a regular inner barrel).
Then use a sharp exacto/hobby knife (the sharper the better) and trim the bump off. Don't try to take it all off...you risk putting a divot in the rubber. Then use fine sandpaper to buff it even. 400-600 grit works fine.
Practice on a old/spare rubber...then go for it.
This is exactly what I did except for the sandpaper, never thought about sanding rubber! Ill give it a try, it will probably give the result of a flat rubber!
Thanks everyone!
EDIT: btw G&G stock, Garder Clear, Systema, firefly and prometheus rubbers have a bump!