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Old April 23rd, 2010, 22:32   #15
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Originally Posted by skittles13 View Post
classifieds are that good?
It's your decision but it's like going to one bank to get a mortgage. It's a big deal (well maybe not as big of a deal as getting a mortgage but the analogy still stands).

Who knows, maybe that original place is great but you never know if you don't shop around and see everything available to you (or at least a few places that offer stuff, and picking out of those places). It's always advisable to shop around and whats publicly available is only a small portion of whats available in "the deep net" (ie. doing a term paper, are you just going to use google and google scholar or would you use a variety of online journal databases, google, university library repos, public library repos, archives, etc.).

PS: I don't think I could live on candy alone, TBH I get really bad sugar crashes and dehydrated really easily from running around a lot (just in a 10K "fun run" I can probably burn through 1.5L of water easily).
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