Thread: Border Wars?
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Old April 15th, 2010, 10:39   #41
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Broadsword certainly could have been a launching pad for something bigger (and potentially better); ironically a lot of posts about Broadsword have been deleted, so it's difficult to understand all the facts involved with how things came to be.

Blaming the 'lack of participation' is just like a marketing department blaming the consumer for not buying their product.

Personally I believe if there were more visibility and reliance into certain aspects that some feel were intentionally played down, as well as the inclusion of particular aspects of an event that are not specifically designed to attract first time players completely new to the sport, there would have likely been a lot more participation from a larger percentage of the community.

I think I mentioned before that it was 'Quality' not 'Quantity' that generally makes an event stand out; personally I couldn't care less how many players attended an event. Events should be planned from the ground up with that in mind - plan it so that it doesn't come down to a scenario where 'we need X attendance in order for game to happen' - if you are there you are there, if not you miss out.

Airsoft is a voluntary game, not conscription, no?
86 Tactics Change.
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