I think you'll need to accept the fact that eventually every gun will fail.
Comparing my KSC G17 to my TM G17, TM was a clear winner. sourcing some parts for either one was difficult. the Marui was crisper to shoot but more expensive due to upgrades.
I recently picked up a KJW P229( compact P226), it's a well made pistol with nice detail and finish. Reading that KJW will send you out a part is good news but I was counting on using compatible Marui P226 parts if needed, like springs loading nozzle and other bits. I found mags available in HK for $20. Also note that I am not well versed with other KJW products, I've handled some Glock models and I found the P229 to be in my opinion ,of a higher quality than the glock line
I am happy with KJW P229 pistol performance, dial in the hop up and I was accurate on a 4"x4" inch target at 30' feet and I used it in CQB and it works for ranges in this environment very well( engagements at less that 100 feet)The blowback feels a little weak and I am going to try to make it a little snappier using a cut down recoil spring from a Hi capa.
However if you have access to all the spare bits for a KSC product, that should be a factor in your choice. System 7 mags will be more expensive as well.
MAybe a 2 column list with prices you can find for upgrade parts and mags for each will help in your decision. Also maybe give an idea of the cost of items in Vienna.
*****Note to KJW users***
I just put in a cut down hi capa recoil spring in the KJW P229 and it got rid of the squashy feel. More pep, crisper action. Remember not to try and make it too snappy as the extra force will react to other parts which may accelerate wear.
Last edited by jamuke; April 10th, 2010 at 14:28..