Originally Posted by REAPER7
I understand, i am just doing research at the moment on sniper rifles, i know its 'newbies' but if i never get a sniper rifle how am i ever going to get good at sniping. and why do somany people on this forum treat youth like the spawn of airsoft? a lot of us 18- people are responsible and smart. i would just like someone to help me find a nice sniper rifle that i can dream of getting eventually.
Honestly I could sit here all night and rattle off hundreds of different answers to your question about why this and that when it comes to age. However its hardly worth my time.
In short all I will say is that more often than not people who are under the age 18 usually do act like idiots and dont deserve to be treated like adult until they can demonstrate that they should be treated like adults, however by the time they mature to the point of acting like adults they are already adults.
When I was in my teens I always thought I was mature and responsible, that was the farthest thing from the truth ever.