Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I don't think there was any "smoke and Mirrors" Though I was not an organizer I was closely involved in many of the details.
The only miss-step was allowing people to sign up without $ down to start.
Also the Broadsword event ( which was at the same venue but not organized by the same group ) was lackluster due to bad planning and execution .. and people presumed (wrongly) that the same issues would be in play at BW.
BW suffered from under-capitalization.. and the players did the typical.. Ill wait and see if the game is confirmed before I pony up... Well if everyone waits .. then no one pays and the game goes south.
Most people don't have the first clue regarding the costs to get a large OP at a rented field off the ground... it is $thousands$ when you factor insurance and support fixed costs... They think that someone is earning large if the game fee breaches $20 .. and for some reason airsofters can't seem to tolerate someone making a little money to offset their risk... If I charge you $20 and put $2 in my pocket.. they feel I "ripped them off" for $2
I've been burned as well on games where 6 months out you have a full roster but on game day .. everyone has to wash their hair.
To my understanding ,, that is an issue at the LZ as well ...
Thanx Brian, the whole event was for 2 days with a CQB format and a field format which made the exercise diverse. This would of made a great MILSIM here in Canada. I have talked to Krusty and PWOR about running another one or one simular. However this time invite Teams from Canada, USA and senior people known in the community and put it on. I think after a while the Team will run another big MILSIM.